Whether you're a customer, prospective client or supplier, you will probably know (or at least, know of!) one of our JB’s. If you’re on the East side of the Pennines you are more than likely familiar with John Bilyj, whereas if you’re based on the West side of the Pennines you will have no doubt met John Butler. You perhaps didn’t know that the other JB existed. Can you have too much of a good thing? Can the real JB please stand up? In a light hearted way of introducing you to the other JB we pitted the two against each other…… which regional office has the best boss, you decide!

Question | John Butler | John Bilyj |
Position | Group Managing Director | Director |
What do you do when you’re not at work? | Enjoy my leisure time with my dear wife. [have you read these questions already John...] | Generally watch Leeds United but I'm also a keen photographer and I play the guitar and piano. |
How did you meet your wife? | Erm... I was forced to get out of the back of a sports car to fit someone else in. As I got out I saw a blonde lady and I thought 'by God, you're fantastic' and the rest is history. | She used to work with my Brother and I went to his company's Christmas party. |
DIY or call in the experts? | There is a cusp in the life of a man. At one side you're a DIYer. At the other side you're a GMIer (Get a Man In). I'm on the later side of that cusp. | Oof, that's a tough call! [no pressure John...] If my wife's reading, DIY. If she's not, call in the experts! |
What was the first LP you bought? | Awww... [JB takes great pains to remember something in the mists of time] It might have been Bill Haley 'Rock Around the Clock' but I suspect it was Elvis' 'Jailhouse Rock'. | LP or Single? LP? [Without hesitation, John likes his music...] 'Every Good Boy Deserves Favour' by The Moody Blues. |
Favourite film? | Probably Dr. Zhivago for a good weepy or Deer Hunter which never fails to 'get me'. | Hmm it's got to be Citizen Kane. |
If I was Prime Minister, the first change I would make would be… | [thinks for a long period in silence] Probably something to do with bankers that I won't go into detail over. | [again, thinks for a long period in silence, the two John's take politics very seriously!] That's difficult. Restore funding for medium and long-term blue sky science research in Universities. [John's thought about this before!] |
Favourite tipple? | Depends what’s got £8 off in the supermarket. At the moment, I'm happy to say it's The Glenlivet 15 year old. | Pint of Strongbow. Definitely. |
Do you Tweet? | No, I twonk. | No. Enough said. |
Beach or city break? Where? | Not a big fan of beaches nowadays so probably a city. We're looking at going somewhere near the fjords in | Beach. Anywhere in the South of Thailand would do me fine. |
Why did the chicken cross the road? | To get to the Birds-Eye shop... on no wait, that was the one about the blind chicken. | [Laughs] Who wrote these? I can't think of a better answer than 'to get to the other side'! |
Favourite three letter acronym? | Oh... I thought we'd gone past three and were at four or five now? No? Well for three I guess JDI (Just Do It) is not bad. | Favourite Three Letter Acronym? Oh its got to be TLA (Three Letter Acronym). [Yes... very clever John...] |
What is the best thing since sliced bread? | Everything is better than sliced bread which is only fit for wall insulation. Everything. | Hovis Granary from TESCO is brilliant! |
Christmas every day of the year or never again? | I think every day is Christmas. | Never again. Moving on... |
Your house is on fire! Which one possession will you grab on the way out? | Well I suppose it's your money or your wife. Definitely my wife. | My wife! [Has a change of heart] No don't put that, she might take offence! My hard-disk backup. |
Your side of the | I'd better be careful here. I think we get more sun. Yes, more sun. | Oh that's where Leeds United play. Definitely. |
Look out for more meet the team face offs soon!