The annual Atlas Business Kick Off Meeting was held at Crewe & Natwich Vagrants Rugby Football Club on Friday 22nd January with the clear message being encapsulated in the soundtrack for the day; Bob Dylan's The Times They Are A-Changin'
Covering topics directly and indirectly related to Atlas Business the day was its usual mix of retrospective analysis and forward-looking planning, always with one eye on our changing times. With today being the day that the UK has officially come out of recession it seems particularly apt that Atlas' own meeting sought to plan for the changes that this would bring, both to ourselves as a business and our partner businesses, both on supply and customer sides.
The day was also one for celebration of recent achievements and Group Managing Director John Butler presented awards to the Applications Systems Management (ASM) and Technical Systems Management (TSM) teams for their hard work in achieving ever-improving customer feedback. The Developers Group also benefited from a group award and project consultant Catherine Ball received a personal award for her hard work and dedication on numerous projects this year which have seen her travel the length and breadth of the country on an almost daily basis. Senior team members Ian Skaife and Kelvin Redmile were also awarded a joint prize in recognition of their continued effort and inspired management at the forefront of the company.
As we move from recession into recovery and from January into February, all of us here at Atlas would like to wish you and your businesses all the best for 2010, whatever its own changing times may bring you!

The ASM and TSM teams receive their award

Representatives of the Development group receive their award

Catherine Ball receives her personal award and (below) Ian Skaife and Kelvin Redmile are presented with their joint award.

The Atlas Business Team - looking to the future in 2010.
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