Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Breaking News

Those of you who frequently receive emails from Joe Jardine may have noticed that his content has been brief and to the point over the last week. This is because he broke his right arm on Sunday and has it in a cast and sling. So how did he do it? He has been telling people in the office all sorts of stories including saving young children from a house fire, and my personal favourite; that it was the result of a tough negotiation, but the truth is he did it playing football. As you know you play football with your feet and he is not tall enough to be the goalkeeper! We have since discovered his injury was due to his over exuberance of trying to stop the ball crossing his team’s goal line; as we know Joe does not like to lose! Sympathetic colleagues have been heard saying "that this is what happens when old men try to play a young man's sport".

Joe is unable to drive for at least 6 weeks and cannot demonstrate solutions so we are in the process of re-assigning people to his scheduled meetings. Joe has more x-rays on Wednesday where we hope he'll be told that the radius bone is setting fine and will not require plates or surgery! In the meantime Joe is still in the office and is available to discuss your projects or any new requirements. Hopefully you'll join us in wishing him well/laughing at him incessantly.

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